The Sovereign Love of God
T he P assion of C hrist
Doxology (and/or closing song) Praise God fromwhom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Departing to Serve
Benediction By the shedding of the Blood of Christ our Lord, peace has been established in heaven and earth. O truly precious is the Covenant of peace, which was made by the offering of that holy Blood! Not with gold, not silver, nor gems, nor pearls, but with the Blood that gushed from the side of the Saviour. That Blood-shedding gladdened heaven, purified earth, and terrified hell. ~ Galliean Sacramentary (Bright, p. 48) Affirmation for the Day Saturday: Jesus died upon the cross – he did not pass out, swoon, or fake his death. He suffered and actually died, and his body was laid in the tomb. Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day O my soul, trust in the Lord, even in the darkest hour and day, for he is not a God who makes a promise and fails to fulfill it.
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