The Sovereign Love of God


T he S eason from E aster to P entecost

Fourth Sunday of Easter April 25 - May 1, 2021


On Easter Sunday we celebrate the bodily resurrection of Jesus. The same lowly Nazarene – he who was betrayed by his own disciple, who suffered under Pilate’s cruel gaze, who was crucified on a Roman cross, and who was buried in a borrowed tomb – the same Lord rose triumphantly on the third day. Jesus has risen from death to life through the power of God. “Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!”

THIS WEEK’S THEME By ThisWe Know Love, 1 John 3.16-24

In John’s first epistle, he says we know that love calls us to lay down our lives for one another because our Lord Jesus laid down his life for us. We ought not love one another in mere talk but rather in actual deeds, and in truth. Those who in fact love in this way can know that they are of the truth and can have the assurance in their hearts that they belong to him. We can be assured that God answers our petitions as we believe in his Son, and love our fellow disciples in deed and truth.

Daily Devotional Guide

Preparing Our Hearts

Invocation: Our Prayer of Acclamation O Father, the Almighty, thank you today for your amazing, eternal, and all-sufficient love granted to your creation. Through your Son you have redeemed and reconciled the world back to yourself, and your gracious love is the foundation of our life and hope. Grant us the wisdom and insight to know your love, to demonstrate that love in response to your care with vigor and heart, and to care for

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