The Sovereign Love of God
T he S eason after P entecost
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost June 20 - 26, 2021 • Proper 7
On Pentecost we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth on Christ’s believers, his infilling of the people of God, the Church. Through him, the third person of the Trinity, Jesus our Lord is now present with his people. The Spirit is the guarantee of the promised inheritance to come. We ponder the fullness and mystery of our God’s person and work in our celebration on Trinity Sunday.
THIS WEEK’S THEME Alpha and Omega: King: Ruler of All Creation, Nehemiah 9.6
As creator of all things, the Lord is the rightful ruler of the universe. The rebellion of the devil and of humanity is sin precisely because all creation owes worship and allegiance to the Lord. Everything exists to bring glory and honor to him. This is the proper orientation and purpose of all creation. Sin is a usurping of God’s proper place. We twist the people and the world around us so that they fulfill our appetites and desires instead of giving glory to God. In the words of the ancient serpent, “You can be like God.” Creation will not be right without the restoration of this proper order. All things exist for his glory. Let us give God his due and call all creation to do the same.
Daily Devotional Guide
Preparing Our Hearts
Invocation: Our Prayer of Acclamation Great, O Lord, is your kingdom, your power and your glory; great also is your wisdom, your goodness, your justice, your mercy; and for all these we bless you, and will magnify your name for ever and ever.
~ George Wither, 1588-1667
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