The Sovereign Love of God


T he S eason after P entecost

Departing to Serve

Benediction Lord Jesus Christ, you said that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Help us not to stray from you, for you are the Way; nor to distrust you, for you are the Truth; nor to rest on any other than you, as you are the Life. You have taught us what to believe, what to do, what to hope, and where to take our rest. Give us grace to follow you, the Way, to learn from you, the Truth, and live in you, the Life. Affirmation for the Day Sunday: All Scripture bears witness to Christ. Monday: Melchizedek, priest king of righteousness and peace, bears witness to Christ. Tuesday: The Lamb of the Passover bears witness to Christ. Wednesday: God’s presence in the tabernacle bears witness to Christ. Thursday: The priesthood, sacrifices, and articles of the temple bear witness to Christ. Friday: The conquest of Canaan bears witness to Christ. Saturday: The anointing of God’s king bears witness to Christ. Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day Living Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ, open our eyes that we may behold wondrous things out of the Scriptures.

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