The Sovereign Love of God


T he S eason after P entecost

Affirmation for the Day Sunday: We are sealed by the Holy Spirit, who is the down payment that guarantees our inheritance in Christ. Monday: God dwells with and within his people, who are being built together to be his spiritual temple. Tuesday: In the same way God dwelt in the Tabernacle and the Temple, so now he dwells in the Church. Wednesday: As those who are sealed by God, we now belong to him alone, through faith in Christ. Thursday: The Spirit is God’s pledge and guarantee of our future inheritance. Friday: The gift and working of the Holy Spirit will be ours until the day we take full possession of our inheritance in Christ. Saturday: God’s gift of the Spirit and our inheritance are to his glory alone. Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day We are sealed by the Holy Spirit, who is the down payment that guarantees our inheritance in Christ.

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