The Sovereign Love of God
T he B irth of C hrist
Christmas Eve December 24, 2020
Christmas celebrates the birth of Messiah, Jesus, who is the incarnation of the Son of God, Mary’s child. He is the Wordmade flesh, the conqueror who enters this fallen world to reveal to us the Father’s love, to destroy the devil’s work, and to redeem his people from their sins.
TODAY’S THEME O Come Let Us Adore Him, Luke 2.1-20
To the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, Joseph and Mary traveled for the registration ordered by Augustus. While there, Mary gave birth to her firstborn son, the child Jesus, whose birth the angels heralded, and of whom the shepherds testified. In the fullness of time, the virgin gave birth to a Son, and the angels announced the coming of the King from David’s line, the one alone who will bring blessing and great joy to the world. Jesus, the child of Mary, is the Christ, the Savior of the world.
Daily Devotional Guide
Preparing Our Hearts
Invocation: Our Prayer of Acclamation O God, Who makest us glad with the yearly expectation of our redemption, grant that as we joyfully receive Thine Only-begotten Son as our Redeemer, we may also see Himwithout fear when He cometh as our Judge; even our Lord, who with Thee, reigns with the Holy Spirit, one God forever, amen. ~ Gelasian Sacramentary. A.D. 1549 (Wright, p. 21)
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