The Sovereign Love of God


T he S eason after P entecost

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost October 17 - 23, 2021 • Proper 24 The Season after Pentecost is likewise the season before Advent – it is a season of the blessed hope. As we declare Jesus’ return in every Communion celebration, so we confess that he will assuredly appear in power and glory to complete God’s salvation for the world. He will come in power to rescue his own, to make an end of war and sin, and to restore creation under God’s will. The canonical Scriptures of the Church represent the authoritative and true testimony of God’s narrative of history and life. The Scriptures are both historical record and prophetic witness, and should be read as the script of God’s unfolding drama. Through the Prophets and Apostles God has provided his people with the clear and authoritative narration of his creative actions, his covenants with the Patriarchs, his call of the nation Israel, and the incarnation and saving actions of his Son, Jesus of Nazareth. In the overarching Story of God testified to in Scripture we come to see God’s action in his creation of his universe, his sovereign purpose to redeem his creation from the Curse, and his covenants to the patriarchs and Israel, and the Church. THIS WEEK’S THEME YourWord Is Truth: Divine Narration: Sacred History, 2 Peter 1.16


~ Sacred Roots , pp. 78

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