The Sovereign Love of God
K ingdomtide : R emembering the S aints , E xalting the K ing
Departing to Serve
Benediction We beseech thee, O God, that it may please thee to maintain thy holy Church, in her testimony to thy Son, her fellowship in the Spirit, her ministry for mankind. Give her grace and power in the sight of all peoples, and unite thy servants everywhere in the love of one Lord. Amen. ~ Book of CommonWorship (Ferguson andWallis, 36-37) Affirmation for the Day Monday (All Saints Day): Come, Lord Jesus Christ, and receive your Bride, the Church, that we may forever dwell with you, our Savior and King. Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day O God, who has built a city for all those who trust in you, prepare us that we might through your Son be found worthy to dwell with you, in the eternal dwelling place of God, the New Jerusalem. In Christ’s name we pray, amen. Weekly Reflection on the Sovereign Love of God Everything I have argued regarding Sacred Roots demands that as disciples of Christ living the baptized life we make the Story of God our very own in every facet of our lives, our conduct, our worship, and our relationships. The Story of God is no abstract theological outline, or some weird nostalgic repetition of rituals from the past. The Story of God is fresh, a dynamic, integrated vision of the world fromGod’s vantage point, as it were, as narrated by him in the Holy Scriptures. Our everyday lives are meant to be an outworking of this living adventure, and salvation is a call to enter into this adventure, to commune by faith with God who spoke our hope into being, and to For YourWeekly Journey
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