The Sovereign Love of God
K ingdomtide : R emembering the S aints , E xalting the K ing
For YourWeekly Journey
Weekly Reflection on the Sovereign Love of God It is enormously important that we see the role of scripture not simply as being to provide true information about, or even an accurate running commentary upon, the work of God in salvation and new creation, but as taking an active part within that ongoing purpose. If we are to discover a fully rounded – and itself biblical! –meaning of ‘the authority of scripture’, it will be within this setting. Short-circuiting the question of biblical authority by ignoring these openingmoves is one of the root causes of our continuing puzzles and polarizations. Scripture is there to be ameans of God’s action in and through us – which will include, but go far beyond, the mere conveying of information.
~ N. T. Wright, Scripture and the Authority of God. London: SPCK, 2005. p. 22.
Let God Arise! Seasonal Focus The Lord Reigns , Psalm 93
Book Reading Heine, Classical Christian Doctrine
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