The Sovereign Love of God
T he B irth of C hrist
Second Sunday after Christmas Day January 3 - 9, 2021 Christmas celebrates the birth of Messiah, Jesus, who is the incarnation of the Son of God, Mary’s child. He is the Wordmade flesh, the conqueror who enters this fallen world to reveal to us the Father’s love, to destroy the devil’s work, and to redeem his people from their sins. The promise of the Lord’s coming represents his salvation among his people, the remnant of Israel. The Lord will bring his remnant into his land, and bless those who have been scattered across the nations. He will shepherd his people Israel, he who is a “father to Israel,” and to whom Ephraim is his “firstborn” (Jer. 31.9, ESV). They will come and sing aloud on the mountains of Zion, acknowledging the goodness of the LORD, and rejoicing in the dance with gladness of heart. The Lord will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them and give them gladness for sorrow. This is the hope of those who cling to God, by faith. THIS WEEK’S THEME FromMourning to Joy, Jeremiah 31.7-14
Daily Devotional Guide
Preparing Our Hearts
Invocation: Our Prayer of Acclamation O God, Who ever lovest what is true, and bringest to light what is hidden, Who wast pleased to come into the Virgin’s womb for the world’s salvation; sprinkle us with the hyssop of Thy word, and purify us from our iniquities; and mercifully pour into our souls a right spirit to call upon Thee; through Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ~ Mozarabic (Bright, p. 86)
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