The Sovereign Love of God
T he M anifestation of C hrist
Departing to Serve
Benediction O God our Father, at the baptism of Jesus you proclaimed him your beloved Son and anointed himwith the Holy Spirit. Make all who are baptized into Christ faithful to their calling to be your daughters and sons, and empower us all with your Spirit, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. ~ Evangelical LutheranWorship (Conference of Bishops, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, p. 19) Affirmation for the Day Sunday: In Baptism we are one with Christ in death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Monday: As the dove descended on Christ and remained, so we are anointed with God’s Holy Spirit. Tuesday: In Christ, we are the beloved of the Father, adopted as members of his household. Wednesday: In Christ, God’s Kingdom was breaking onto the world. Thursday: God delights in his only Son, Jesus Christ. Friday: My own baptism unites me with Christ, anoints me with his Spirit, and affirms the Father’s adoption of me as his child. Saturday: There is one baptism shared by all who are in Christ. Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day Beloved Son of God, who pleased the Father in all the things you said and did, help us to follow you as you followed the Father above.
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