The Sovereign Love of God
T he M anifestation of C hrist
Departing to Serve
Benediction We rejoice, O God, in the power of Jesus Christ, the one true Lord and the fulfillment of the prophets’ vision for David’s King to reign in the Age to Come. Cause us to affirm this, to speak this, to live in the light of this, and to expect you to demonstrate this in our midst. We bless you for your kingdom life, and all its benefits and blessing in our lives. In Christ’s name, amen. Affirmation for the Day Sunday: Jesus is the very Word of the Father whose teaching is infused with God’s own authority. Monday: Jesus terrifies the evil one and his minions. Tuesday (Presentation of the Lord): “For my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel” (Luke 2.30-32). Wednesday: All authority in heaven and on earth belongs to the Lord Jesus. Thursday: Jesus is “the Holy One of God.” Friday: Jesus is King, and Lord of all. Saturday: Jesus rebukes the powers that ravage humankind. He is making all things new. Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day Let the authority and teaching of our Lord Jesus have its effect in my life today, in all things! Amen.
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