Theology of the Church, Mentor's Guide, MG03
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God’s election is effective and secure, so we can be certain of our eventual salvation in Jesus Christ. The mandate from Jesus Christ for his people to be his witnesses is summarized in the Great Commission. The Great Commission contains three critical elements, which constitute the mission of the Church in the world today: going and making disciples, baptizing in the name of the Triune God, and teaching these believers everything that Jesus commands. The first element of the Great Commission is that the Church gives witness as she goes: the Church of Jesus Christ is called to evangelize the lost (i.e., make disciples of all nations). The second element of the Great Commission is that the Church gives witness through baptism: the Church is called to baptize new believers in Christ, that is, to incorporate them as members into the Church. The third and final element of the Great Commission is that the Church gives witness through its teaching: the Church of Jesus Christ teaches its members to observe all the things Christ commanded, and so grow to maturity in him. Now is the time for you to discuss with your fellow students your questions about the nature of the doctrine of election, and our obedience to the Great Commission. These topics represent two deep strands of teaching regarding the Church’s witness, and coming to grips with their meaning is critical for your own maturity as well as your ability to win others to Christ and see them grow to maturity in him. Many tough questions are associated with these topics, especially with the doctrine of election, so you ought to take adequate time to think carefully through your questions and seek clear, biblical answers to them. What particular questions do you have in light of the material you have just studied? Maybe some of the questions below might help you form your own, more specific and critical questions. * Does God elect some to be saved and others to be lost? Is there any such idea as God elected people to be lost? * In what sense does God elect individuals to salvation, or should we concentrate on God electing his people in Christ?
Student Application and Implications
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