Theology of the Church, Mentor's Guide, MG03

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There are some people, the book suggested, who will not and could not come to Christ because they were not chosen to be saved; God overlooked them, and therefore they will die, without Christ and without hope. This idea troubles the student, but it seems to make logical sense. Doesn’t choosing some and not choosing others say that God is playing favorites? Did those he never chose even have a chance at salvation? Aren’t we hypocrites asking people to come to Jesus when we know that some of them could never come, no matter how hard they wanted to? How would you help this dear student resolve these issues?

All Evangelize, but Only a Few Are Evangelists

In a cell group focused on studying missions, a discussion breaks out among the members about whether or not everyone is meant to obey the Great Commission. Some suggest that no matter how hard we might try, we could never win souls like Billy Graham or the Apostle Paul. They were gifted by God to do their task, we are only called to share the Good News in the circle of our friends and family. Others protest, saying, the Great Commission is a fresh word for every generation of Christians. All believers are to find ways that they are to go, baptize, and teach, for Jesus commanded us to do it. No one is exempt; all must respond. How would you address these contradictory arguments? Completely discouraged and disgusted by people who pretend to believe but don’t really, one little storefront church is now saying that in order to be saved you must confess Jesus as Lord. This isn’t anything new, that is, after all, what Romans 10 teaches. Yet, they have tried to take it to another level. Because so many people will claim to belong to Jesus but show no sign of commitment to him, the pastor has begun to ask people to not merely believe the facts about the resurrection, but make a personal commitment to live for and obey the commands of Jesus in order to be saved. Some of the elders are concerned; they think the pastor is teaching a works salvation that will drive people away from the Lord. Others welcome the teaching as a needed and refreshing alternative to the weak, anemic preaching which seems to be so prevalent in churches today. How would you weigh in on this dilemma? Lordship Salvation


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