Theology of the Church, Mentor's Guide, MG03

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all of the vocabulary and imagery of war, and how it is or could adversely affect the kids in the youth group. Images of guerilla warfare, bombs, swords, shields, forces of darkness, and etc. have become the concern of some of the parents, who wonder whether or not the youth pastor is simply taking his read of the biblical metaphor of the Church as the army of God a little too far. What guidelines should we use to determine when we have gone too far in our use of an image in the Bible to determine our teaching, identity, and activities in the Church? Be specific.

I Don’t See the Trinity in the Bible

In sharing his faith at work with a person of the Unitarian religion, Ralph was stunned when, in sharing about God’s love in Jesus Christ, the person he was talking to abruptly said, “So many of you in the regular church are completely confused. You talk about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as a Trinity. I have read through the Bible at least six times, and I have never come across any teaching about the Trinity. The word “Trinity” isn’t even mentioned in the Bible. You claim to represent the Bible, but I don’t see the Trinity in the Bible!” How would/could/should you use the criteria of the Nicene Creed, Reformation marks, or the Vincentian Rule to help them understand why the Church’s view of the Trinity is not only biblical but also consistent with the tradition of the Church? After hearing the pastor’s series on the Church as an ambassador of Christ in the world, one of the young lawyers in the congregation who was thinking about running for City Councilman is considering taking his name from the ballot. Being powerfully persuaded by the pastor’s sermons that Christians are aliens, strangers, and sojourners in this world, the young candidate wonders whether or not participation in secular government positions is simply too involved with the world. After all, if we are meant to be in the world but not of it, maybe running for office and sitting on the City Council is simply too worldly in its overall involvement. If this candidate asked you for your opinion, what would you suggest to him? We Are Not of This World


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