Theology of the Church, Mentor's Guide, MG03
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connected with the Church’s worship, from the very beginning of the Church’s worship, she used nor sought a standardized form that was woodenly mandated for all the congregations. Although from the New Testament and the non-canonical historical writings we can detect a definite tradition emerging in the apostolic churches which gave rise to the liturgical calendar of today, there was never a time where every portion of the service was predetermined and mapped out. In your discussion, make certain that you highlight this complimentary emphasis in the Church’s worship between a deeply committed allegiance to the apostles’ tradition, while, at the same time, a fresh approach to freedom and spontaneity. This is critical for understanding all that the Bible describes of the Church at worship. Make certain that you distinguish between the Church’s response in its worship towards God (worship in terms of its effect ) and the beauty of the Lord and his character and works in Jesus Christ (worship in terms of its cause). Unfortunately, some discussions of worship have become more focused on the ways in which we worship rather than the reasons why we worship . While both are important in understanding the Church’s vocation as a worshiping priesthood of believers, it is imperative that the focus remain on the God whom we worship, and the clear reason why we are a worshiping community. Only when these concepts are reiterated and kept clear can we rightly consider the ways in which we are to approach God. The why of worship must necessarily and understandably precede the what and the how of worship. This statement ought not to be understood as an appeal to belittle the significance of discussions about human responses to God. It is, however, to underscore that worship’s significance derives from the understanding that God is worthy of our obeisance and our obedience . Discussions of worship should begin and end in a “theocentric” vein (God-centered) not an “anthropocentric” vein (human-centered one).
24 Page 69 Summary of Key Concepts
While there are many individual and personal implications to this teaching on worship, it will be important for you as mentor to help the students retain the corporate nature of the questions and the issues. The tendency to turn the discussion
25 Page 71 Student Application and Implications
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