Theology of the Church, Mentor's Guide, MG03
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In these questions, you will find the focus is upon mastering the data and the facts associated with the claims made in the first video segment. The doctrine of election is a significant concept related to the Church, and it is possible to become distracted on many apparently important and related discussions about it. What is critical in this discussion is to highlight the way in which the students understand God’s election in Christ, that is some sense God has effected his election of us in Jesus Christ. Focus on this idea, and seek to ensure that the students understand the answers in light of this critical idea, as well as the other lesson aims of this first segment. The Great Commission serves as the heart of Jesus’ biblical injunction to the Church to preach the good news of his salvation to the entire world, making disciples of him in every place. This mandate to go and make disciples of Jesus among all the people groups of the earth is emphasized prophetically in the Old Testament (Isa. 45.22; cf. Gen. 12.3) and realized and reaffirmed in the New Testament (Matt. 9.37-38; 28.19; Acts 1.8). The heart of disciple-making is making plain for those who have never heard the story of Jesus of Nazareth, including the truths of his life, ministry and his passion, but especially the facts and meaning of his crucifixion on Calvary as both substitute for sin and champion over the devil (1 Cor. 15.3; Col. 2.14-15). This proclamation also includes testimony regarding Christ’s resurrection from among the dead, his ascension into heaven at the right hand of God (Luke 24.46-48; Rom. 4.25; 1 Cor. 15. 3-4; Eph. 1.20-23), and the hope of the consummation of his work at the Parousia or Jesus’ Second Coming (Acts 3.19-21). In teaching the students make plain that the underlying motive for Christ’s commandment for mission is the constraining love that Christ has revealed in his acts for us (2 Cor. 5.14-21). The mystery and depth of the Incarnation reveals the wonder and scope of God’s love for humankind (John 3.16). In sharing the Good News, those who proclaim the Good News are constrained, determined, ruled by the richness of God’s love in Christ. Jesus as God’s Son, the Author of life (Acts 3.15) and the Lord of glory (1 Cor. 2.8), now has been granted all authority in
10 Page 93 Student Questions and Response
11 Page 95 Summary of Segment 2
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