Theology of the Church, Mentor's Guide, MG03

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1. According to this segment, what is the central and critical reason the Church of Jesus Christ engages in worship as it most important activity and true vocation? 2. How does the fact that God made all things for his honor, glory, and pleasure influence the Church’s motivation in its worship of God? 3. Explain the fact that the Church worships God because of the majesty of his character and his deeds? What particular attributes in God demand and call us to worship him? 4. Why is it important to understand that the Church only approaches God in worship through the person and work of Jesus Christ? Could it be otherwise? Explain your answer. 5. How does the Holy Spirit enhance and empower the worship of the Church as it seeks to glorify God in its praise? How does the Church access the Spirit’s power as she gives God glory? 6. What are the ways in which the Church may worship God: In its obedience and lifestyle? In its liturgy, especially in the preaching of the Word and observing the ordinances (sacraments)? In its forms and expressions, both physically and musically? 7. How does the expression of love and care within a church affect the worship of God through the church to God? Can a church worship God if the relationships amongst its members are tense and frayed? Explain. This lesson focuses upon the foundational approach we as members of the Church have with God, that is, on the grounds of grace alone through faith in Christ, and how the experience of this grace expresses itself in authentic praise, adoration, thanksgiving and worship to God through Jesus Christ. In one sense, understanding these foundational concepts are at the heart of what it means to serve the Church as one of its leaders, and helps us to discern when a congregation is healthy or sick, depending on its experience of God’s unmerited favor and grace in Christ, and the active expression of its gratitude through its way of life in worship. Below are some of the foundational concepts associated with worship, the Church’s true vocation.


Summary of Key Concepts

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