Theology of the Church, Student Workbook, SW03
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which, miraculously, has been revealed and inaugurated in the person and passion of Jesus Christ. To be a Christian is to be an ambassador of Jesus Christ, and to be a congregation is to be an outpost, an embassy of the Kingdom of God in a particular community. Our role is to represent the “home country,” to get orders from the Prime Minister of heaven, and to declare to the powers that be in this realm his Word and will. To be a Christian is to learn to represent good, to be the kind of representative that is faithful, clear, and unmoved. Are you the kind of man or woman who represents the interests and instructions of the home country well? Can the living Lord of the new city-to-come count on you to stand for him, where you are, with integrity? Stand up for Jesus as you stand for the Kingdom to come. After reciting and/or singing the Nicene Creed (located in the Appendix), pray the following prayer: Eternal God and Father of our Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your goodness, mercy, and grace that allows us to represent You in the world. You have promised that Your Spirit will empower us and enable us to accomplish Your will with excellence. Give us the power and direction in order that we may stand for You in all that we say and do–in our homes, our jobs, our neighborhoods, and our churches. We desire to be the kind of disciples You find trustworthy, those whom You can use to glorify Your name in a world that neither knows nor respects You. Only You can make us the kind of representatives worthy of Your name and Your Kingdom. Make us like Your Son, who fulfilled Your will completely, and humbled himself in order that You might be glorified in him. Conformus to his image, for Your name’s sake, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Nicene Creed and Prayer
Put away your notes, gather up your thoughts and reflections, and take the quiz for Lesson 3, The Church as Witness .
Scripture Memorization Review
Review with a partner, write out and/or recite the text for last class session’s assigned memory verse: Matthew 28.18-20.
Turn in your summary of the reading assignment for last week, that is, your brief response and explanation of the main points that the authors were seeking to make in the assigned reading (Reading Completion Sheet).
Assignments Due
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