Theology of the Church, Student Workbook, SW03
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God wants to use you as one who helps others to understand the nature of true Church life, even in your congregation. The better you see the truths, the better you will be able to articulate them to others, and flesh them out in your lifestyle and service to the other believers in your Christian assembly. As in every aspect of growth and ministry, it will be very significant that you seek to correlate this teaching with all your life and work. This is precisely the importance of your ministry project. It was deliberately designed with these concerns in mind, and in the next days you will have the opportunity to share these insights in real-life, actual ministry situations. Pray that God will give you insight into his ways as you share your insights in your projects. As a member of the body, and as a leader in the Church, you must ask the Lord for his insight, wisdom, and power to apply these truths to your life, and through you to those whom God wants you to share them with. Are there any issues, persons, situations, or opportunities that need to be prayed for as a result of your studies in this lesson? What particular issues or people has God laid upon your heart that require focused supplication and prayer for in this lesson? Take the time to ponder this, and receive the necessary support in counsel and prayer for what the Spirit has shown you. Pray specifically about how the criteria and images of the Church can become real in your own experience of Christian community, and how then God might want to help you communicate the truth about his people with others.
Counseling and Prayer
No assignment due.
Scripture Memory
No assignment due.
Reading Assignment
By this time, you should have worked out all the details with your Mentor regarding your selections for your ministry and exegetical projects. They should now be outlined, determined, and accepted by your instructor. If for any reason you have not communicated the specifics of your project with your instructor, do so as soon as possible. Make sure that you plan ahead in your work regarding them, so that none of your work or assignments will be docked because you turned them in late.
Other Assignments
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