Think Again!

CHAPTER 14 The Practice of Forging: Crafting the Plan

In the last chapter, the first three steps of my practice of forging identity were introduced: Pray Subordinately, Gather Subjectively, Focus Objectively . These steps produce an inventory of your feelings and corresponding truths. The final steps can help you cooperate with the Spirit by forming a proactive plan to produce an ROI: Write Playfully, Re-wire Decisively, and Execute Repetitively . Write Playfully Having Gathered Subjectively and Focused Objectively , now is the time to reconcile your feelings to the truth. Feelings need to be seen for what they are. They are not the litmus test for your reality. Emotions are followers by nature and you place your soul in danger when you let them take the lead. On the other hand, truth was born to lead . God’s truth clears the fog in your mind, provides boundaries for your emotions, and allows you to make wise choices. 65 You can know the truth in your head, but until your heart aligns with your head, you can feel confused and frustrated. It is difficult to accept the truth when your feelings are so strongly at odds with truth. This is called cognitive dissonance . For example, you say you believe that you are forgiven and that God delights in


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