Think Again!

Chapter 14: The Practice of Forging: Crafting the Plan • 125

and putting too much pressure on your daughter. Write Playfully can help you put events in perspective by identifying underlying lies, fears, pride, or irrational assumptions. Expectations and Forgiveness In Write Playfully , be especially mindful of the expectations of others. How much are you trying to impress others? What are you doing that is self-destructive that has nothing to do with God’s view of you, but is important to friends, family, or the world at large? Is what you are doing ultimately important to God, to you, or to others? Write Playfully can be a time to see others in a different way. As God reveals the way you need to be forged, let it be a reminder that no one is exempt from the enemy’s schemes. As I have experienced God’s forgiveness, he has gently reminded me to forgive others. Re-wire Decisively The next step is to move from analyzing your situation to developing a plan of action . You need to stop thinking, stop being a victim, and start taking aggressive action to control your thoughts. This is the time to be decisive as you re-wire the circuitry of your brain. Ask the Spirit, “What kind of person do you want me to become for your glory?” Then, take personal responsibility to put a strategy into motion. Begin this step by developing a short slogan that represents the change in thinking God wants you to implement. You have spent time gathering feelings, focusing on truths, and reconciling by writing playfully. Now you need a concise phrase that summarizes what you should do. Here are some sample slogans I’ve used:

• I don’t have to amaze anyone.

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