Think Again!

CHAPTER 15 Producing God’s ROI: Adapt toWin

Having worked to demolish strongholds, detain lies, and defend against disobedience, you are in a good position to yield an abundant return on investment for God. Your mind can be released to creative avenues of service that focus on others and not yourself. But to do so, you need a mind-set that constantly adapts to dynamic circumstances. You must adapt to win . Since the adversary adapts, so must you. The devil doesn’t sit still or remain static. You are warned not to be surprised by painful trials (1 Pet. 4.12), so you must adapt by changing your approach under opposition and fluctuating conditions. Without adaptability, you will waste time and money, and be susceptible to anxiety and despair. With adaptability, you can stay fresh for the long haul and prevent burnout. Life is uncertain and mysterious. Rationalism explains only so much. You can stay sharp and alert if you don’t over-analyze every situation. Even bad circumstances can be redemptive; opposition can mean you are on the right track. Innovation can emerge from challenging circumstances, because “necessity is the mother of invention.”


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