Think Again!

136 • Think Again: Transformation That Yields a Return on God’s Investment

murdered his brother. James said, “If you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts do not boast about it or deny the truth. Where you have envy and selfish ambition you will find disorder and every evil practice” (James 3.14-16). You may even find yourself pushing your way into roles that put you at risk before you are ready. Chole said, “Over the decades, I have witnessed with tears the collapse of truly exceptional men and women who were crushed by the premature, combined weight of too much applause, too much authority, and too little self-control. So when I see those I mentor rushing toward the future or longing to be noticed or hungry for responsibility, I breathe a silent prayer: Oh, Jesus, grant them the gift of hiddenness. For a few more years, please let them grow in quiet anonymity.” 71 More than Humility Embracing obscurity is more than just a casual attempt to be more humble. It is a willingness to be invisible or anonymous, like Jesus. Embracing obscurity puts you in a position to be forged. Your source of pleasure can switch from “the approval of people” to “the approval of God.” The Spirit can demolish the strongholds of people-pleasing and replace it with new DNA in your brain that enjoys pleasing God. In the seasons when no one is clapping for you, when you feel underestimated, unappreciated, or minimized, God can forge you. In the painful silence of these moments you have the opportunity to wrestle with what makes you truly significant. When no one is there to tell you why you are so valuable, you are left to look at Jesus and answer that question yourself. 72 If you embrace obscurity, you will be liberated to put your energy into the task God wants to give you. In Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol , Ethan (Tom Cruise) is wrongly accused of blowing up the Kremlin. The government has disavowed Ethan’s team. No

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