Think Again!

Chapter 16: Maximizing God’s ROI: Cultivate Your Imagination • 149

to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit (1 Cor. 3.18).

As you cooperate with the Spirit’s forging work, you become his nozzle to deliver living water. When you care for hurting, confused people, devastated by the lies of the evil one, and point them to the life-giving truth of his Word, you produce a return on his investment. When you cultivate imagination, God can make you into a fruit-making machine! But this doesn’t stop with you. You can also help others yield their own ROI for God. They learn to demolish strongholds in their own lives, detain thoughts as captives, and defend against disobedience that returns. As they grow in meditation, worship, and praise, they are forged into a nozzle that delivers living water for their network of family and friends. Conclusion to Part III: You Participate The devil is eager to pillage by bombarding you with confusing thoughts and feelings. But due to the Father’s philanthropy, Jesus’s potential, and the Spirit’s power, you have weapons to forge your identity to be like Christ. You participate by interrogating thoughts, recognizing lies, and countering with truth (3-D forging). To the extent that you embrace obscurity and cultivate your imagination, you will yield a return on God’s investment.

The question before you is clear: Will you find your identity (like the world does), or will you allow God to forge your identity ?

Choose to Think Again , in agreement with Don Francisco: 77

Praise the Lord, hallelu, I don’t care what the devil’s gonna do The word and faith is my sword and shield, Jesus is Lord of the way I feel!

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