Think Again!


The main idea in this book is simple to understand: believe what is true and extinguish what is false. It’s not highly philosophical. It’s not mustering up will power, trying harder not to sin. It’s believing truth, allowing the Spirit to forge you into a different person at a cellular level. So you don’t have to invest in complicated analysis, discovering the source of the lies. You don’t need years of expensive archaeological work, digging into your past. You don’t need hours of searching for the source of your polluted stream. Instead, recognize the polluted water and replace it with fresh, living water. Destroy toxic branches in your brain by replacing them with life-giving branches. As you allow the Spirit to forge your identity, he demolishes strongholds and forms new DNA that reflects the life of Jesus. Although it is simple to comprehend, it is neither quick nor easy. It takes time to be forged because strongholds were built over many years. Renewing your mind requires perseverance. Forging is not easy because no discipline is pleasant at the time, but painful. But if you are willing to be trained through the hardship, God promises to produce a return on investment (Heb. 12.11).


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