Think Again!

158 • Think Again: Transformation That Yields a Return on God’s Investment

12. My self-worth depends of the opinions of other people. 13. If I don’t do what other people want and expect me to do, they won’t like me. 14. If I don’t do what other people want me to do, I don’t deserve their approval or friendship. 15. Other people have the right to ask anything they want of me in order that I won’t offend anyone. 16. If others do not tell me I am a good person, then I must not be. 17. If someone does not like me, there is something wrong with me. 18. If someone is angry with me, it must be my fault. 19. It’s my duty to make everybody happy and comfortable. 20. It’s my duty to work my fingers to the bone for my family. If I don’t, they might reject me. 21. In spite of how hard I work to earn approval, some people still don’t like me and reject me; therefore I am terrible. 22. It’s awful to be angry. I am angry; therefore I am awful. 23. It’s terrible to be a thing other people use. I am a thing other people use; therefore I am terrible. 24. I can’t conquer my bad feelings. Therefore, I am terrible.

25. I’m the way I am because I was born that way. 26. If I had a better education, I’d be better liked. 27. If I were like so-and-so I’d be a happier person. 28. If I were better looking, I’d be a happier person.

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