Think Again!

Chapter 1: The US Government Will Do That • 23

are cherished and forgiven. If you believe God’s truth, your body will respond in joy and thanksgiving.

Expose Lies and AffirmTruth Because your body reacts to your belief , your job is to expose lies and affirm truth. Lies and truth have no power in themselves; they are neutral. You activate lies or truth by what you believe . You can expose the lies of the deceiver and affirm the truth of God’s Word. Because your body reacts so strongly to what you believe, the accuser can trick you into believing the same lies over and over until they form toxic habits and attitudes. At first he brings lies that set off frantic alarms inside, but after repeated practice, you will no longer be able to turn the alarms off. You will start living in a constant state of panic. When you agree with the devil’s deceptions, you etch grooves in your brain that, in time, form strongholds. By so doing, you slowly destroy your own life and negatively impact the people around you. On the other hand, if you believe what God’s Word says, the Spirit will change your habits and attitudes to be like the Lord Jesus. This enables you to glorify God and bless others for his sake. He can forge your identity, being conformed to his likeness (Rom. 8.29). As Neil Anderson said, “As believers, we are not trying to become saints; we are saints who are becoming like Christ.” 11 When you agree with the truth of God’s Word, you demolish old strongholds and forge new habits that bring life and peace. You can change from the inside out, transforming to become more like Jesus. This means you don’t simply have to “try harder to avoid sin,” but by the work of the Spirit, you can be transformed into a different person on the inside. By forging identity, you can change what you believe and how you react!

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