Think Again!

Chapter 2: I Don’t Think I Want to Be a Part of This Confrontation • 29

• An adversary who attempts to keep everyone from understanding the truth

The battlefield location of this war between God and Satan is your mind . Your mind is the nexus of cosmic struggle. The human mind is the bull’s-eye of Satan’s target. He looks at you through the cross-hairs of his weapons scope, because if he can rule your mind, he can keep you from being effective for Christ. He Lost His Grip Forever Once you were blinded to this “real world.” But now that God has opened your eyes, the adversary has lost you forever to the Kingdom of Light. Because of that defeat, he turns all his energy to tricking you into squandering the treasures God gives you. He pivots from keeping you blinded to keeping you distracted . He wants to mess with your mind so you don’t live as a true child of God. He puts down his weapons of blinding and picks up new weapons of distraction, disruption, discouragement, and dismay. The accuser uses us like pawns to frustrate God’s work. He pillages with ruthlessness and cunning. In A Mighty Fortress Is Our God , Luther said, “For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe, his craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate, on earth is not his equal.” Satan wants to destroy us and grieve God in the process. But we are only tools in his larger game. He cares nothing about us. He tries to take what rightfully belongs to us, but if he can incite us to destroy ourselves, all the better for him. So he is a master of deception. Jesus called him “the father of lies” (John 8.44). No one is exempt from his methods, and no one can live a single day without being in the middle of this spiritual confrontation.

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