Think Again!

Chapter 6: The Father’s Philanthropy • 67

droplets of soul-exhilarating joy, God continuously experiences in all their breadth and depth and richness.” 37

His Image in Us The Father’s imagination is revealed in our ability to show imagination. Because we are meant to be perpetually creative beings, he devised a world that is conducive to our creative imagination and innovation. His earth is fully equipped to handle humanity’s creative nature. Because we are cut from the cloth of the Father’s imaginative nature, we can stand on the plateau of an open plain and see an infinite set of possibilities, eternal vistas that might emerge before us. We are free to move within boundless situations . The Father’s goodness has no boundaries. It stretches out to the limitless. 38 The world sees in limits, in boundaries, in painting within the lines. But goodness has no limits because God is free to move without limits. We can be deceived into thinking we live in a small space, not knowing there is a larger world of freedom outside our bubble. Like Desmond from Lost , we can choose a life of quiet isolation in a bunker, believing it is unsafe to go outside. The enemy can fool us into retreating into a provincial existence, thinking it is dangerous to explore all the adventure the Father offers. But the Father’s philanthropy, seen in his creation, our ability to adapt, and the use of our imagination, provides what we need to press ahead. Willard said, “The intention of God is that we should each become the kind of person whom he can set free in his universe, empowered to do what we want to do. Just as we desire and intend this, so far as possible, for our children and others we love, so God desires and intends it for his children.” 39

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