Think Again!

Chapter 8: The Spirit’s Power • 79

gap as the “Ascension-Parousia Differential.” 45 In this new role, the Spirit was publicly introduced to the world at Pentecost as the Third Person of the Trinity. It is on that day that the Spirit became the linkage between Christ’s work on earth and the parousia, called “the last days.” The Spirit’s dramatic appearance at Pentecost also began an intimate relationship between the Spirit and the Church. We live in the age of the Spirit. He is our constant companion to help us live in the Already (enjoying the foretaste of eternity), and the Not-Yet (enduring the sufferings of the present age). The Spirit helps us live in the tension of the “already/not-yet Kingdom.” 46 He gives us power to be a radically eschatological people, directing every thought and action in anticipation of Jesus’s return. This gives us courage to persevere. 47 The Spirit is tangible evidence that the treasures of eternity are given to us right now AND a guarantee that he will see us through to completion. By animating, encouraging, and empowering us, he reminds us that the responsibilities of life don’t fall on us alone. We cooperate with the Spirit because it is our destiny to be triumphant and valiant until Christ returns. We get busy because he motivates us to do God’s work. In short, the Spirit helps us do stuff . The New Creation Another task of the Holy Spirit is to form new creation. 48 As the Creed says, “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and life-giver .” He gives life. Jesus was conceived by a work of the Spirit, with the willing cooperation of Mary. In the same way, the Spirit impregnates the Church to do the works of God. He motivates, inspires, and directs, but only with our cooperation. The Spirit is the “evidence” that we are the people of God. 49 After the Exodus, Israel was distinct among the nations by its identification with God through the Law of Moses. The Law

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