Think Again!

80 • Think Again: Transformation That Yields a Return on God’s Investment

was a visible emblem showing they belonged to God. Because the Law was given after their deliverance from Egypt, God demonstrated his salvation by grace from day one. The Law was a gift to help them function as the people of God, a visible evidence of his presence with them. But now the Law has been replaced by the Spirit. He is the new evidence of our adoption as the people belonging to God. The Spirit replaced the Law as a better and more permanent gift. The Law was a good source of temporary guidance for the people of God (Ps. 19), but the Spirit is better in that we are given power to act, not just instruction on how to live. Spiritual Warfare The Spirit makes us one, bridges the gap, and forms new creation. He integrates us to the Head, making the whole body function together. He wants a mature body connected to Jesus, as agents of mercy in this fallen, not-yet world. This is what spiritual warfare is all about: resisting the devil’s attempts to disrupt the integration of the body to the Head. Spiritual warfare is not the high drama found in the movies, but the day-to-day grind of cooperating with the Spirit who gives us power to be forged into Christ. This power is not just an occasional burst of energy, but a supernatural ability to change at a molecular level, to become a transformed person. The Spirit of Truth leads us into the truth that makes us free (John 8.32, 14.16-17). The Father’s generous philanthropy, made accessible through the Son’s potential, makes us well equipped. But the Spirit also offers high-octane power that can yield a healthy return on God’s investment.

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