Think Again!

94 • Think Again: Transformation That Yields a Return on God’s Investment

What starts as a seemingly harmless lie, can grow into a permanent stronghold if you let it. When a lie is believed over several days, it becomes physiologically established in your brain, leading to anxiety, bitterness, and even mental or physical illness. So strongholds are formed in your brain by what you believe . For example, the enemy may tell you, “You’re not a Christian, look at what you just did!” If you accept that lie, believing that God has rejected you, a pliable physical DNA structure forms in your brain at that very moment. Upon several encounters of believing that lie, it becomes a hardened branch in your brain. After a few months of acceptance of lies, the stronghold becomes so automatic that you don’t even think about it. Because Jesus said you speak out of the overflow of your heart (Luke 6.45), you begin to verbalize aspects of the deceptive stronghold without even noticing what you are saying. Negative talk starts spilling out in your conversation, planting seeds of lies in the brains of those who hear you, reproducing your poisonous thoughts in others. Forging Metal Praise God, strongholds can be destroyed and replaced with healthy brain structure, much like the process of forging metal. Metal is made up of microscopic crystal structures that must be crushed together in order to form a stronger crystal structure. The forging process starts with scrap metal . . .

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