Think Again!

Chapter 11: 3-D Forging: Demolish, Detain, Defend • 95

. . . that is melted at 2500 degrees for several hours. Then it is poured into a large ingot that is pounded into shape . . .

. . . destroying the old crystal structures that are replaced by a new, stronger structure. It is reheated for twelve hours to make it soft enough to press into shape, and then is pounded again into the desired form and cooled down in liquid for six hours. Finally, the master craftsman shaves off the rust and forms the piece into the finished product.

Forging takes the existing molecules in scrap metal but re-forms their crystalline structure to make something new. In the same way, the Spirit takes who I am as Don Allsman, and forges me to be more like Christ. I am still Don Allsman and I don’t lose my fundamental personality as an individual creation. I become restructured, re-crystallized, and re-wired in such a way that I retain my personhood, but become forged into the image of Jesus Christ. I am forged into who I was truly meant to be.

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