Vision for Mission: Nurturing an Apostolic Heart

Ses s i on 1: Ch i ps Of f the Ol ’ B l ock


4. 1 Corinthians 15.5-8

D. Entrusted with the Gospel, and commissioned to proclaim the good news of Christ and his Kingdom to the entire world as his ambassadors

1. Mark 16.15-16

2. Matthew 28.18-20

3. John 20.21

4. 2 Timothy 1.11

II. What Does It Mean to Have a “Vision for Mission”?

A. Maintaining the “Big Picture”: understanding that God is the Lord of history

B. Recognizing Christ’s victory on Calvary as the true cosmic center of the history of all creation: Christus Victor

C. The Great Commission: the ongoing burden and mandate of Jesus for the world given to his Church: a new humanity as the central object and goal of history

1. The Church as Christ’s companion: the Bride as the “Finished Product of the Ages,” Eph. 5.22ff.

2. The Church as Christ’s agent in a lost world: the body as the Ambassador of Christ in the world, 2 Cor. 5.17-21

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