Vision for Mission: Nurturing an Apostolic Heart

Bibliography For Further Study on Nurturing an Apostolic Heart

Arn, Win and Charles Arn. The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples . 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1998.

Billheimer, Paul. Destined for the Throne . Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1975.

Coleman, Robert E. The Master Plan of Evangelism . Grand Rapids: Revell, 1993.

Cosgrove, Francis M., Jr. Essentials of Discipleship . Dallas: Roper Press, 1988.

Davis, Don L. Master the Bible Guidebook: Charting Your Course through Scripture Memorization . Wichita, KS: The Urban Ministry Institute (World Impact, Inc.), 2008. ------. Sacred Roots: A Primer on Retrieving the Great Tradition . Wichita, KS: The Urban Ministry Institute (World Impact, Inc.), 2010.

Dawson, John. Taking Our Cities for God . Lake Mary, FL: Creation House, 1989

Eims, Leroy. The Lost Art of Disciplemaking . Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984.

Epp, Theodore H. The Believer’s Spiritual Warfare . Lincoln: Back to the Bible, 1973.

Erickson, Millard J. Introducing Christian Doctrine , 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 2001.

Fish, Roy J. and Conant, J. E. Every Member Evangelism . Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2003.

Hayford, Jack. Answering the Call to Evangelism (Spirit Filled Life Kingdom Dynamics Study Guides). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers 1995.


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