Vision for Mission: Nurturing an Apostolic Heart
Vi s i on for Mi s s i on: Nur tur i ng an Apos to l i c Hear t
D. The apostles’ Gospel was the epitome of Jesus’ message of the Rule of God Come to Earth and their witness to it.
1. Mark 1.14-15
2. Mark 1.1
3. Matthew 4.23; 9.35; 24.14
4. Luke 4.16ff.
5. Acts 8.12; 20.24-25; 28.31
III. Developing a Passion for the Gospel
A. Know and discern the facts of the Gospel.
1. Messiah has come: who Jesus is
2. What he accomplished on Calvary
3. The power of his Resurrection
4. The appeal of God through the apostles
B. Become aware of those who are ignorant of its saving power
1. The urban poor
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