Vision for Mission: Nurturing an Apostolic Heart
Vi s i on for Mi s s i on: Nur tur i ng an Apos to l i c Hear t
strategically in winning souls to Christ, to make disciples of those who respond, and to pioneer new fields for the Lord. As an explora tion in the biblical materials, this course will examine those specific insights, commitments, and values that enabled the apostles literally to “turn the world upside down.” Topics will include such major themes as the extreme urgency of this present hour, the inevitability of divine judgment, the absolute power of the Gospel, the integrity of the call to make disciples, the ripeness of the fields for harvest, the certainty of God’s accountability on our lives to fulfill the Great Commission, and God’s universal offer of grace to all humankind. Remember, we use this as a textbook in a course on Nurturing an Apostolic Heart. When you finish your study, we trust that you will be able to: • Memorize and explain key Scriptures related to the central topics associated with the apostles’ vision for mission. • Explain the major theories and conceptions of mission and its strategy in the modern world today. • Appreciate the various dimensions of the apostles’ heart, and express a desire to imitate their vision and passion for mission. • Articulate the role of self-discipline in developing a vision for mission. • Increase in the practical, daily pursuit and witness to God’s salvation in Christ with unsaved family, friends, associates, and neighbors. The apostles of our Lord were eyewitnesses of his majesty, and the impact of those events they saw produced a fiery passion in them for the glory of God, the salvation of the lost, and advance of the Kingdom. Sharing that passion, their apostolic heart, should be the explicit goal of every God-called witness for Christ. May the Lord grant to you their same heart and passion, their same vision and perspective, in order that you may give to Jesus and the Gospel all that you are and possess. May you come to receive and nurture an apostolic heart.
~ Don Davis
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