Marking Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year


Mark i ng T ime : Formi ng Sp i r i tua l i t y through the Chr i s t i an Year

3. The observances drive home the lessons and graces of the life and person of Jesus Christ, serving to deepen our affection and devotion through disciplined celebration and action.

4. The observances root us in ancient Christian faith that saw all things fulfilled in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

5. The observances connect us with the worldwide Christian movement , all those awaiting the return of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

B. Practice the Christ-centered journey through the rhythmic cycle of the Church Year in its daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and annual modes.

1. Acknowledge Christ Jesus the Lord , not outward observance (including those of the Church Year), as the source of your spiritual life and edification.

a. The Church Year, in and of itself, contains no spiritual power or grace.

b. Our source of strength and life is always the living Christ , and the year is a means to make that connection real.

2. Connect spiritual formation through the Church Year to “ every person’s journey .”

a. Remember this was established as a form of Christian shared remembrance of the biblical Story of God in Christ.

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