Marking Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year


Mark i ng T ime : Formi ng Sp i r i tua l i t y through the Chr i s t i an Year

2. It is a perspectival approach (i.e., in terms of vantage point).

3. It is an exploratory process (i.e., how we manufacture meanings).

4. It is pluralistic (i.e., takes in the experience of others).

5. It has action outcomes (i.e., ramifications for our lives).

F. Elements in the wonder of story

1. The centrality of human experience in the context of heaven’s plan

2. The richness of human affections

3. The use of sanctified imagination

4. The power of concrete image, metaphor, action, and symbol

5. The immediacy of heightened reality

6. The enjoyment of artistic craftsmanship

7. The power of identification and participation

G. Key propositions of Story Theology

William J. Bausch lists ten propositions related to story theology that help us understand the significance and importance of the study of stories in the understanding of

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