Marking Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year


Mark i ng T ime : Formi ng Sp i r i tua l i t y through the Chr i s t i an Year

Thy Kingdom Come! Readings on the Kingdom of God, continued

understand it and believe it. This is the major concern of Jesus’ preaching and teaching.

14. Thus, we can understand Jesus’ teaching on the coming of God’s Kingdom as being both present and future. The Kingdom is now and it is not yet. Jesus announces the presence of the future. 15. This chart of the Kingdom of God in the teaching of Jesus can help us see more clearly what he is saying. The chart is a time line from Creation into an eternal future (eternal in the Bible means unending time).

a. The age of the Kingdom is the age to come. We now live in both this age and the age to come.

b. The Kingdom of God has two moments, each one characterized by a coming of Jesus as the Messianic King to bring God’s reign. 16. The Kingdom of God brings the blessings of God. As the people of the Kingdom live now in the tension of both the presence and the future of the Kingdom, some of the blessings have already arrived for us and some await the consummation of the Kingdom in the future.

Present Blessings of the Kingdom

a. The Gospel is proclaimed.

b. The forgiveness of sin.

c. The Holy Spirit indwells God’s people.

d. Sanctification has begun.

Future Blessings of the Kingdom

a. The Presence of God

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