Marking Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year

Ses s i on 1: F rom Ever l as t i ng to Ever l as t i ng 21

F. The Last Times (the Descent and Age of the Holy Spirit)

1. The arrabon of God: the Spirit as Pledge and Sign of the Kingdom’s presence, Eph. 1.13-14; 4.30; Acts 2.1-47

2. “This is that which was spoken by the prophet”: Peter, Pentecost, and the Presence of the Future

a. The Church as foretaste and agent of the Kingdom of God, Phil. 2.14-16; 2 Cor. 5.20

b. The present reign of Messiah Jesus, 1 Cor 15.24-28; Acts 2.34; Eph. 1.20-23; Heb. 1.13

c. The ushering in of God’s kingdom community “in-between the times”; Rom. 14.7

3. The Church of Messiah Jesus: sojourners in the Already and the Not Yet Kingdom of God

a. The Great Confession: Jesus is Lord, Phil. 2.9-11.

b. The Great Commission: Go and make disciples among all nations, Matt. 28.18-20; Acts 1.8.

c. The Great Commandment: Love God and your neighbor as yourself, Matt. 22.37-39.

4. The Announcement of the Mystery: Gentiles as fellow-heirs of Promise, Rom. 16.25-27; Col. 1.26-28; Eph. 3.3-11

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