Marking Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year
Mark i ng T ime : Formi ng Sp i r i tua l i t y through the Chr i s t i an Year
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Hammerton, Kelly, and Robert Hammerton. Spring Time: Seasons of the Christian Year . Nashville: Upper Room, 1980.
Hickman, Hoyt L., Don E. Saliers, Laurence Hull Stookey, and James F. White. The New Handbook of the Christian Year . Nashville: Abingdon, 1992. Hynes, Mary Ellen, et al. Companion to the Calendar: A Guide to the Saints and Mysteries of the Christian Calendar . Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1993. Johnson, Lawrence, ed. The Church Gives Thanks and Remembers: Essays on the Liturgical Year . Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1984.
Johnson, Maxwell E. Between Memory and Hope: Readings on the Liturgical Year . Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2000.
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