Marking Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year
Ses s i on 2: Chr i s tus Vi c tor
2. The people ( ecclesia ) of the living God congregate here: Christ’s own from every kindred, people, nation, tribe, status, and culture, 1 Pet. 2.8-9.
3. God’s Sabbath rest is enjoyed and celebrated here: freedom, wholeness, and the justice of God, Heb. 4.3-10.
4. The Year of Jubilee has come: forgiveness, renewal, and restitution, Col. 1.13; Matt. 6.33; Eph. 1.3; 2 Pet. 1.3-4.
5. Light has shined upon the Gentiles , who now are fellow heirs of the eternal splendor to come, Col. 1.27; Rom. 16.25-27; Eph. 3.3-5.
6. The Spirit of the living God indwells us ( arrabon ): God lives here and walks among us here, 2 Cor. 1.20.
7. We taste the powers of the Age to Come : Satan is bound in our midst, the Curse has been broken here, deliverance is experienced in Jesus’ name, Gal. 3.10-14.
8. We experience the shalom of God’s eternal Kingdom : The richness of right, reconciled relationships of the new order are present here, Rom. 5.1; Eph. 2.13-22.
9. We herald the Good News of God’s reign ( evangelion ): We invite all to join us as we journey to the full manifestation of the Age to Come, Mark 1.14-15.
10. Here we cry Maranatha !: Our lives are structured by the living hope of God’s future and the consummation, Rev. 22.17-21.
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