Marking Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year


Mark i ng T ime : Formi ng Sp i r i tua l i t y through the Chr i s t i an Year

of the victory of Christ over the powers of evil, the penalty of sin, of its effects in both the curse and death, and his restoration of creation through the Father’s sovereign will and unmerited grace, Matt. 9.35-38.

2. Clarification

a. The Gospel is the saving message of God regarding his saving work in Christ, who reigns now as Christus Victor , Rom. 10.9-10; Acts. 2.33ff.; Col. 2.15, cf. Gen. 3.15.

b. We proclaim the coming of the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ, and proclaim repentance and faith in his name, Col. 1.13-14; 1 John 3.8; Matt. 12.25-30.

c. We are to obey the Great Commission to go into all the world and make disciples of Jesus among all people groups, Matt. 28.18-20; Mark. 16.15-18; Luke 24.47-48; John 20.21.

3. Implication: Proclaiming Christ as Lord and Messiah is the essence of heralding the good news of the Reign of God.

G. For justice and compassion

1. As a witness to the present reality of the reign of God in the world today, justice and compassion are the gracious and generous expressions of the Church of God in response to the glorious deliverance and benefits of Christus Victor , Gal. 6.10.

2. Clarification

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