Marking Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year


Mark i ng T ime : Formi ng Sp i r i tua l i t y through the Chr i s t i an Year

(or Year C). The Gospel of John is read throughout the lectionary at certain times in each of the three years.

3. The practice of reading the Scriptures in public worship services dates back from ancient practices in the early Church. This emphasis on the Word lay at the heart of Christian faith and worship, and the public reading of Scripture accommodated a large segment of the population which were illiterate.

4. This reading protects us from ignoring whole sections of Scripture because we feel they are “too hard,” “not relevant,” or “too controversial.”

5. When read in the setting of the life of Christ, the lectionary becomes a way that urban Christians can hear the Story of God over and over again, simply, naturally in the context of public worship.

6. The lectionary can become a tie for urban congregations to stay connected to the global Christian community’s spiritual journey. By reading and preaching the same texts shared by thousands of other congregations, we can match our assembly’s journey with millions of others in the body of Christ, affirming our connection to the Nicene defined “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.”

7. A vast storehouse of resources are available for those groups, leaders, and congregations which embrace the Church Year (here are a few examples):


b. Sermons and Sermons Lectionary Resources:

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