2023 Evangel Gathering - Friendship and Flourishing for Missions
50 • 2023 E vangel G athering • S acred R oots T hriving in M inistry : F riendship and F lourishing for M issions
2. Three kinds of apprenticeship in the Sacred Roots program:
“Apprenticeship provides a system for training a new generation of practitioners in a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often includes accompanying study (cohort work and reading).” a. Apprenticeship to Historical Mentors . Every generation of the church has produced gifted leaders, but some leaders have influenced not only their own generation, but every generation that has come after them. We apprentice ourselves to these wise practitioners to deepen our skill in soul work and soul care. b. Apprenticeship to Contemporary Mentors. Sacred Roots Contemporary Mentors are world-class evangelical scholars who have spent years getting to know the Historical Mentors we meet in the Sacred Roots Spiritual Classics. They are the editors of each SRSC in the series. c. Apprenticeship to Study Group Leaders . Sacred Roots Study Group Leaders are the leaders of specific groups of congregational leaders who have gathered in a Sacred Roots study group to learn from Historical Mentors like Augustine, Benedict, Basil, and others. They know the context and the communities in which the study group
members work and they nurture and encourage friendships within the study group they lead.
B. Examples of how the Sacred Roots Spiritual Classics help Christian leaders flourish as God intends:
1. SRSC 1. Praying the Psalms with Augustine and Friends. What kind of soul work and soul care practices will this volume help my leaders develop?
a. See the “Soul Work and Soul Care Appendix,” pp. 277–292.
b. This volume teaches us how to do “Psalm Work” or “Psalmody.” It teaches us how to recover the lost art of praying the Psalms in a daily rhythm.
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