2023 Evangel Gathering - Friendship and Flourishing for Missions
W orkshops • 51
2. SRSC 2. Becoming a Community of Disciples . What kind of soul work and soul care practices will this volume help my leaders develop?
a. See the “Soul Work and Soul Care Appendix,” pp. 58–72.
b. This volume teaches us how to construct an intentional plan for growing in our relationship with God by cultivating a “rule of life.”
3. SRSC 3. Spiritual Friendship. What kind of soul work and soul care practices will this volume help my leaders develop?
a. See the “Soul Work and Soul Care Appendix,” pp. 177–201.
b. This volume teaches us how to develop and deepen spiritual friendships with God and others through intentional practices.
C. Overview of the Other 16 Volumes
1. SRSC are organized in four subject areas following the organizational rubric of TUMI’s Capstone Curriculum.
2. SRSC can be read in a proactive way by following the order of subject area (e.g. Biblical Studies, SRSC 1, 5, 9, 13) or alternating subject areas following their published order (SRSC 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) 3. SRSC’s can be read pragmatically in a personally prioritized order by choosing a spiritual classic that addresses a perennial pastoral problem relevant to leaders in your movement.
D. Speaking about Scripture, spiritual classics, and our souls with spiritual friends
1. “Speaking” and Research from Taylor University’s Center for Scripture Engagement
a. The center has identified and collected research on thirteen types of Scripture engagement.
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