2023 Evangel Gathering - Friendship and Flourishing for Missions

58 • 2023 E vangel G athering • S acred R oots T hriving in M inistry : F riendship and F lourishing for M issions

4. Explore the possibility.

a. Use this year for prayer and discernment.

b. Explore in prayer and conversation with others how your movement might make use of spiritual classics for discipleship, leadership development, and spiritual formation.

VI. Final Word: There are riches in our Sacred Roots that can help the leaders in our movements not just survive, but thrive in ministry!

A. Fruit trees take four to ten years before they start to bear fruit.

B. Dr. Carmen Imes’ 2018 dream about the Sacred Roots Project

VII. Appendix: Pro Tips to Remember When Using Spiritual Classics

A. Match the spiritual classic to the soul sickness.

1. Just like a single medicine does not cure all diseases, so a single spiritual classic is not appropriate for all diseases of the soul.

2. A wise doctor of souls will know which spiritual classics are most helpful to aid a soul hungry for healing.

B. Match the spiritual classic to the season.

1. Age and Spiritual Maturity. As we grow and mature, different spiritual classics will be especially helpful at different phases of our development. 2. Consolation or Desolation. Our souls pass through times of joy and sorrow, of feasting and fasting. Different spiritual classics will be especially appropriate for us depending on the season we are going through at the time.

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