A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ
Ses s i on 6: The Ep i s t l es : The I nterpretat i on and App l i cat i on of Chr i s t 181
will bring retribution upon those who do not believe the truth of Jesus, 2 Thess. 1.4-10.
7. Audience four: those confused by teachings that the Second Coming had already come (and they’d been left behind!)
a. Problem: many were being taken captive to false ideas that the coming of Jesus had already occurred.
b. Solution: provide a philosophy of history consistent with the prophetic truth of Jesus’ return, 2 Thess. 2.1-12. (1) Restraint. The “holding back of the Holy Spirit” restrains the principle and personality of lawlessness. (2) Rebellion. Once that holding back is loosed, there will come a time of rebellion, and the lawless one will be revealed. (3) Retribution. The return of Christ will defeat and destroy the Antichrist, and God will be glorified in his saints.
C. The Major Letters, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians: Christ the Redeemer and Sanctifier
1. Characteristics
a. On Paul’s Third Missionary Journey, he spent two years in Corinth, and three in Ephesus.
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